
A wide range of High Performance Materials to provide the market’s broadest capabilities


A wide range of High Performance Materials to provide the market’s broadest capabilities

Polyether Ketone Ketone

Is a high technology material with superior resistance to chemicals and high use temperature, combined with outstanding mechanical strength and low flammability for extreme performance.

While PEEK is a most commonly used material, PEKK has an inverse molecular structure with 2 Ketones and 1 Ether, this combination improves the material flexibility and provides a higher glass transition point.

Smart3D Macro provides a complete solution for manufacturing with this high-performance material, preserving its high-temperature glass transition point throughout the 3D printing process.


  • Outstanding resistance to chemicals and harsh working conditions.
  • Exceptional mechanical strength properties.
  • Highly dielectric with good insulating properties.
  • Since PEKK is inherently flame retardant, it has excellent combustion resistance properties and low level of smoke generation.
  • Compared to PEEK, PEKK offer higher temperature performance, higher compression strength, and better wear-rate control.
  • Easier to print than PEEK


  • Mainly used in transportation, aeronautics, mining, and gas & oil industries.
  • Used in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, and drilling industries as a lightweight alternative to metal parts.
  • Tooling and fixtures.